Dupuytren`s Disease Treatment In Dubai

Dupuytren’s Disease
Dupuytren Contracture is a progressive condition that causes the palmar fascia’s fibrous tissue to shorten and thicken. The disease is more common in men over the age of 40, as well as in people who smoke, drink alcohol, or have diabetes. A small, pitted nodule (or multiple nodules) on the palm can gradually progress to finger contracture.
Dupuytren’s disease treatment can be managed with non-surgical therapy and surgical methods depending on the severity of the condition.
However, in approximately 10% of patients, it will regress without treatment.
What is Dupuytren’s Disease?
Dupuytren’s Contracture is a relatively common disorder characterized by palmar fascia fibrosis. It is identified by a hand deformity in which one or more finger joints cannot be fully straightened (extended); their mobility is restricted to a range of bent (flexed) positions. The disorder is a connective tissue disorder, which supports the body’s organs, muscles, joints, and skin while also providing strength and flexibility to structures throughout the body.
Dupuytren contracture, in particular, is caused by the shortening and thickening of connecting tissues in the hand. It also includes the skin as well as fat and bands of fibrous tissue called fascia.
Dupuytren’s Contracture is a relatively common disorder characterized by palmar fascia fibrosis. It is identified by a hand deformity in which one or more finger joints cannot be fully straightened (extended); their mobility is restricted to a range of bent (flexed) positions. The disorder is a connective tissue disorder, which supports the body’s organs, muscles, joints, and skin while also providing strength and flexibility to structures throughout the body.
Dupuytren contracture, in particular, is caused by the shortening and thickening of connecting tissues in the hand. It also includes the skin as well as fat and bands of fibrous tissue called fascia.
Causes of Dupuytren’s Disease
Although the causes of Dupuytren’s disease are unclear, the following factors are associated with its occurrence:
- Most common in men of northern European descent aged 40 and up.
- Men are three times more likely than women to develop Dupuytren’s disease.
- Dupuytren’s disease usually runs in families, but it is not always inherited consistently and can be found without a family history.
Symptoms of Dupuytren's Disease
Dupuytren’s disease symptoms are noticeable. The ring and little fingers are majorly affected.
Some of the symptoms are as follows:
- It frequently affects both hands
- Lumps and pits under the palm’s skin that may be tender or painful
- Thick cords on the palm, parallel to the fingers
- Cords that cause finger bending or contracture into the palm
- Inability to rest one’s hand flat on a table
- A lack of ability to grasp large objects
- Having trouble getting your hands into your pockets
Dupuytren's Disease Treatment In Dubai
When comes to Dupuytren’s Disease treatment in Dubai, the best hand doctor and surgeon Dr Ehab will decide the same according to the acuteness of your symptoms in various stages.
Non-Surgical or Conservative Treatment
The following are examples of conservative treatments for Dupuytren contracture:
- Stretching exercises or physical therapy.
- Bracing or splinting to restore your fingers’ normal range of motion (how far they can move).
Surgical Treatment
Patients who have severe symptoms may require surgery to remove the tissue that is bending their fingers. Surgery typically provides a more complete and long-lasting release than needle or enzyme methods. However, recovery takes time.
In severe cases, surgeons will remove all tissue that is likely to be affected by Dupuytren contracture, including the attached skin. A skin graft is required in these cases to cover the open wound. This surgery is the most invasive and requires the most time to recover from.
Treatment for Dupuytren contracture may only provide temporary relief. Finger contractions frequently return with time.
Professional and Apt Dupuytren's Contracture Treatment in Dubai
Dupuytren’s Contracture can cause severe debilitating pain and discomfort, especially if it goes untreated.
Fortunately, Dr. Ehab Bassim Aldlyami the expert hand surgeon in Dubai and Vice President of the Emirates Hand Surgery Society offers an appropriate line of treatment for this condition. He has extensive knowledge of the various treatments available and can provide a personalized treatment plan tailored to your individual needs. With his expertise exclusively in hand surgeries in Dubai, you can be sure that you will receive the best available care with optimal results.
If you or a loved one are suffering from Dupuytren’s Contracture in Dubai, make an appointment with Dr. Ehab Aldlyami today to get started on your journey toward recovery!
Read More About Understanding And Managing Duputren’s Disease