
Hand Tendon Injuries: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention

Hand Tendon Injuries_ Causes, Treatments, and Prevention

Our hands are engineering marvels, allowing us to grasp, manipulate, and interact with the world. However, these intricate instruments rely on a complex network of tendons for movement. 

Tendons are like strong cords that connect muscles to bones, and when they become injured, they can significantly impact our hand function.

This blog post delves into hand tendon injuries, exploring the causes, treatment options, and preventative measures to keep your hands healthy and functional.

What are Tendons?

Tendons, those rugged, fibrous connectors in our bodies, are instrumental in our ability to move. In the intricate mechanics of hand movement, two sets of tendons play crucial roles:

First, the Flexor tendons reside on the palm side of our hands. Think of these as the powerhouses behind gripping and grasping. They’re responsible for curling your fingers into a fist or delicately picking up objects.

Then, the Extensor tendons are positioned on the back of the hand. These are the unsung heroes of releasing objects and loosening grips. They work to straighten our fingers and thumb, giving us the skill we often take for granted.

strong cords that connect muscles to bones

It’s fascinating to note that many of the muscles connected to these tendons originate from the elbow, highlighting the interconnectedness and complexity of our anatomy.

Altogether, nine flexor tendons and twelve extensor tendons work harmoniously to give us the remarkable range of motion and precision control we enjoy in our hands.

Causes of Hand Tendon Injuries

Hand tendon injuries can occur due to various reasons. Here are some common culprits:

  • Cuts: Deep cuts across the palm or back of the hand can sever or damage tendons.
  • Sports injuries: Sudden forceful movements or overuse during rock climbing, football, or basketball can cause tendon tears or ruptures.
  • Repetitive strain: Repetitive gripping or forceful activities can lead to tendonitis, a tendon sheath inflammation.
  • Crush injuries: Jamming fingers in doors or crushing the hand can damage or rupture tendons.
  • Degenerative conditions: Arthritis can weaken tendons over time, making them more prone to injury.

What are the Symptoms of a Hand Tendon Injury?

Following are some signs and symptoms that might indicate a hand tendon injury:

  • Pain: Pain in the palm, the back of the hand, or the finger’s base can be a telltale sign.
  • Difficulty moving fingers: Inability to bend or straighten fingers fully can indicate tendon damage.
  • Swelling: Inflammation and swelling near the injured area are interconnected.
  • Weakness: A feeling of weakness or lack of grip strength in the affected hand is possible.
  • Deformity: In severe cases, a visible lump or deformity might be present over the injured tendon.

Hand Tendon Injury Treatment

Treating tendon injuries requires a tailored approach, considering the damage’s severity and the individual’s specific needs. Here’s a general outline of how tendon injuries are typically managed:

  1. Assessment: The initial stage entails a comprehensive assessment conducted by a healthcare provider, frequently a specialist in hand surgery. They’ll determine the extent of the injury and recommend the most suitable course of action.
  1. Immobilisation: In some cases, particularly when partially torn tendons, immobilisation may suffice for healing. One option could be the utilization of a cast or a custom-made splint designed to immobilize the affected joint. These aids prevent further damage and promote the healing process.
  2. Surgical Intervention: Complete tendon tears usually necessitate surgical hand tendon repair. A hand surgeon performs the procedure to rejoin the torn ends of the tendon, restoring functionality to the affected area.
  3. Rehabilitation: Post-surgery, the focus shifts to rehabilitation. Occupational or physical therapy becomes integral to regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion. These sessions are often supervised by hand, wrist, and elbow therapists.
  4. Custom Splinting: During the initial phase of recovery, which typically spans around six weeks, a custom splint is frequently employed to protect the repaired tendon. This device shields the area while allowing controlled movement as the surgical protocol prescribes. It’s crucial to follow these guidelines meticulously to facilitate proper healing.
  1. Gradual Progression: Rehabilitation progresses gradually, with exercises and activities adjusted weekly based on the individual’s response and the specific surgical procedure. It’s essential to adhere to the therapist’s instructions and exercise caution to prevent setbacks.
  2. Individualised Approach: Since each tendon injury is unique, rehabilitation plans are tailored to suit the patient’s circumstances. Therapists provide personalised guidance and support throughout recovery, ensuring optimal outcomes.
  3. Precautions: Certain precautions may be necessary to protect the healing tendon throughout the rehabilitation process. The therapist communicates these precautions, which should be followed diligently to minimise re-injury risk.


Following a comprehensive treatment plan that combines medical intervention, rehabilitation, and attentive care, individuals with tendon injuries can effectively recover function and mobility in the affected area.

Tendon Repair Failure Symptoms

While tendon repair surgery is often successful, there’s a slight chance of complications. Here are some signs that might indicate tendon repair failure:

  • Persistent pain and stiffness in the hand.
  • Difficulty regaining movement after rehabilitation.
  • A visible lump or bump near the repaired tendon.
  • A sensation of snapping or popping may occur when the finger is moved.

Finger Tendon Injury Recovery Time

The duration of recovery for finger tendon injuries fluctuates based on variables such as the severity of the injury, the chosen treatment method, and the individual’s healing capabilities.

In general, recovery from tendon injuries can take several weeks to months. Following surgery, patients may undergo a rehabilitation programme to gradually regain strength, flexibility, and function in the hand. 

Adhering to the recommended rehabilitation regimen and refraining from activities that might strain or hinder the healing process is crucial for achieving optimal recovery.

How do I prevent hand tendon injuries?

Indeed, here are some pointers to help prevent hand tendon injuries:

  • Mind Sharp Objects: When handling knives or other sharp tools, be extra cautious. Always double-check that your hands are clear of the blade before cutting, and use protective gear when necessary.
  • Avocado Safety: Instead of risking injury by trying to stab an avocado pit with a knife, opt for a safer method, like using a spoon to remove it.
  • Machinery Caution: Avoid putting your hands near moving machinery like snow blowers or lawnmowers, even if they’re turned off.
  • Balance and Stability: Carrying multiple items, hefty ones like beer bottles, increases the risk of tripping and injuring your hands. Take care to maintain balance and avoid overloading yourself.
  • Knife Awareness: Remember to underestimate the sharpness of everyday items like butter knives. Avoid using them for tasks like separating frozen food, as they can cause unexpected injuries.
  • Anger Management: Punching glass doors or other solid objects out of frustration can lead to severe hand injuries. 

Choose Dr Ehab Bassim Aldlyami for treating Hand Tendon Injuries in Dubai

For premier treatment of hand tendon injuries in Dubai, consider Dr Ehab Bassim Aldlyami. With over 25 years of specialised experience in hand surgeries, Dr Ehab Bassim Aldlyami is a dedicated orthopaedic surgeon passionate about healing hands and wrists. 

His hand and wrist surgery expertise is unparalleled, making him a top choice for those seeking expert care in Dubai. Trust Dr Ehab to provide personalised and effective treatment for your hand tendon injuries, ensuring optimal recovery and restored functionality.

Book an appointment now.

Hand Tendon Injuries_ Causes, Treatments, and Prevention

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